Web app for a platform that connects EU-based freelancers and SMEs with relevant funding providers.

TheoryDigital for #EUvsCrisis

Timeframe: 2020

All from information architecture to actually materializing the POC web app.

Tools: JAMStack, Jekyll, Firebase, Miro

Web app for a platform that connects EU-based freelancers and SMEs with relevant funding providers.

The pain point RECOVID is addressing is that small businesses usually don’t know whether they are eligible for funding, not even now during the coronavirus crisis.

And then, when they do find out, they often give up in the process because filling in the application is too complicated.

RECOVID helps here by pre-filling as much data as possible from Open Banking (PSD2).

Theory Force’s Contribution

  • Information architecture for the web app.
  • Actual materialization of the web app, including the full operations thing such as hosting, DNS, domain name…
  • Textual and visual communications for web and phone app.
  • Small contributions to the business process ideations.

The RECOVID web app runs as a Firebase service to allow for easy one-click signups via Google account. It is a custom Jekyll template with media served from Cloudinary.

As a starter theme, I used a recent project’s theme from Shake Vault, which probably doesn’t show in the least!



Other Work

Content Production

Digital Marketing


Information Architecture

