Books, videos and resources


Contardo Calligaris - (Portuguese) E possivel estar mal e pensar direito? - Short article exploring the ideas of how depression can work in one’s favour. Well referenced with actual research.


Fravia+ - Fravia’s web-searching lore - Main entrance - This is a text-only version, all non-html files except images have been removed. You can still get all the essays but you won’t get caught into javascript traps or fall trap to a prehistoric malware.

Fravia+ - (Video MP4) Fravia’s lecture at 22C3: Private investigations in searching from 22nd Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin, 2005


First five Seminars of Jacques Lacan (English Translations)

Jacques Lacan Seminar I. - Freud’s technical writings

Jacques Lacan Seminar II. - The Ego in Freud’s Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis

Jacques Lacan Seminar III. - The Psychoses

Jacques Lacan Seminar IV. - The Object Relations

Jacques Lacan Seminar V. - The Formations of the Unconscious


Rush Rhees - On Religion: Notes on four conversations with Wittgenstein

Rush Rhees, D.Z. Phillips - Rush Rhees on Religion and Philosophy


+Fravia’s Web Searching Lore (Full mirror) - This is the full copy of, now defunct European mirror of +Fravia’s web searching lore.

Matthew Ciolek ( - An Aussie researcher who often cites Fravia in his papers under the pseudonym Fjallar Ravia. The site was launched on 8 May 1997 and publishes online research and publications about Asia’s traditional and modern communication networks, and religions.

Searchlores Books 2021